Big Eyes Bigger Heart
A warm smile met Dalgina's face, comforting the pup. She uncurled from her spot and began to look around again, trying to find where this angel had come from. At least, that's what Honrin had told her mysterious beings that saved others were called. Wagging her tail a little Dalgina listened to the welcoming words. She didn't understand why the other didn't know what the light was. Dalgina assumed that everyone else always understood what she said, just as her [html] talnala[/html] did.

Perked up by the option to head home Dalgina's tail went into a full spin. The light was a pretty thing I saw in the woods. My name's Dalgina. Can we go [html] ingali[/html] now? Feeling fairly confident that everything would be okay now that Eclipse was there Dalgina fully relaxed, looking around as if she expected it to appear at any time.

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