Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts
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From the small mother, a name was breathed for the pup. Strange as it was for the Nomad, the woman respected the different culture, this bonding of mother to child through a name. Her own was not a gift from her dame, but from the gods themselves, acknowledged my her mind just becoming aware of its place within the world. When she could hear the sound of her own voice, she knew her name… and would do the same for her children when they were born. Yet, despite this difference, the was glad for the young mother and affectionately adorned her tired brow with a kiss.

Her mate had been as she was, still and helpless when the young woman succumbed to the savage pain of birth, but when the little girl was birth, he took charge of them both orchestrating what needs to be taken to ensure the mother and daughter were warm and well. While Saluce followed the blood trail outside the den, X’yrin complied without question to his command, gently urging the lady and pup into their room of the den. From her own bed she moved the blankets to surround the cold mother before settling around the pair again, the warmth of her side braced against the lady’s chilled back to give her support whilst her large head came around to set on the bed of fragrant needles.

The warrior said nothing to her Ryu still, only hoping that her fears would be calmed in due time, and perhaps an explanation when her beloved returned from the cold. But it was not hear that broke the unbearable news, but the mother herself as softly and plainly as if she were expressing a known fact. The golden head lifted in alarm, her eyes wide with terror for the news. She felt her heart clench painfully, the precious air stolen from her lungs as she could think of nothing to offer in condolence to the mother. Her voice could only produce soft whines of pain as she boldly neared her head to Nayru’s crown and offered gentle rasps of comfort. The loss of a child, she dared not think about, but was not blind to the possibility the same could happen to her. The danger was always lurking, a false move… a careless act… even the stress of duty could steal away the life she determinedly carried. But the Lady had been so careful until this day. It was terribly unfair… and if the mother would not cry for her lost pup, then her warrior would.

Saluce then crept into the den with the cold still clinging to his hide. He said nothing immediately that would give proof to the truth she now knew, but inquired about the resting pair while laying his head on her shoulder. The woman whimpered quietly, curling her muzzle around to grace her mate’s. A mournful glow cast down the brilliance of her amber gaze as she whispered the terrible news to his ears. “Nayru has lost a boy,” her vocals trembled with pain. “It was… the cause for her blood. Did you…” her troubled sights veered away, unable to hold his gaze. “Did you find him?”

ooc: 534 words.


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