I never knew a heart could live inside
He was easy to see as he approached, moving in such a manner that made her rethink what she had observed so far. The others that she had met were so paranoid that it made them seem rather silly, especially when compared to what Dhalia had been told to expect. This one though, he was much different, and undoubtedly exactly who she was looking for. "Just untangling it right now, gonna use it to hang some things in the old theatre I found.." And what a joyous time it would be, when she finally did find what she wanted to hang. Pausing for a moment, dropping both arms to her lap, she lifted her eyes to get a better look at the larger male as he drew closer to her. "Ahemait and Stygian sent me here." She stated then, head cocked halfway to the side, eyes still on him. It was almost as if she was trying to decide, in her own head, whether he was really worth all that they had said he was.

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