[aw] all the right places
Oh, so he had some idea of Sebastian's nature. Not a big idea, not a complete understanding of the Italian, but at last, he had some clue. Trent recoiled from his touch, but it didn't seem to be a move based on disgust. No, the poor thing was simply surprised. Unsure of himself, maybe. The grey-eyed man was a complete novice, wasn't he? They were always the most fun.

He looked frightened. Sebastian almost felt sympathetic for Trent. Here he was, an adorable little thing with absolutely no idea what he was doing or who anyone was.

Sebastian held his gaze for several long seconds before ultimately deciding that maybe Trent had exhausted his supply of willpower for the day. He didn't seem capable of doing anything but stare. Orange faced grey for several long seconds before Sebastian broke his gaze and trotted back to his possessions, his tail purposely raised.

He got into his jeans, struggling for a moment to fit his tail into the modest hole he had cut out. "If you're looking for me, I usually spend my time within a few miles of Halifax city." Sebastian jerked his head in the direction of his current base of operations, still smiling at Trent. He gathered up his weapon and satchel and stood, facing Trent once more. He gave the young man a chance to stop him, to shift, to ask him a question or pique his interest. It wasn't very often he gave out where he lived, after all.

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