{M} The BFG
...I haz teh smartz. Thanks!

Sebastian nodded in agreement as Jazper spoke of his ex-mate. Really... It seemed like quite a dramatic response, to throw someone from their room after a simple question. Well, the question wasn't actually simple, but still. It was a ridiculous thing to start a fight over. Calm discussion always fared better in the long run, especially between mates. And then, as Sebastian raised a daring hand and traced the path of a pinkish scar on his chest, Jazper smiled crookedly. He had quite a handsome smile, and that sun tattoo was striking.

Despite his noncommittal response, every other signal screamed Yes to Sebastian. Especially that smile. His own sharp smile grew a little wider and he let out an appreciative purr of a growl as Jazper played with the fur on his chest with one giant hand.

Sebastian put his hands behind his head. He seemed completely relaxed as he looked into Jazper's fiercely bright yellow eyes with his own smouldering orange. The Italian leaned over and gently kissed the dark giant's abdomen, his smooth and supple tongue running over coarse black fur. He kept one hand behind his head and reached up with the other, massaging Jazper's torso.

"I think I can handle you," he purred, his smirk almost challenging the pack leader to rein him in. It was a direct, if playful, threat to the older male's dominance, which he hoped Jazper would reaffirm.

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