[m] the cats in the cradle
WC: 233

OOC: Sorry for being short compared to yours Sad

IC: Liam came in, excited to see her and the pups. He was excited by the fact they had five pups. He licked her neck and she started to relax, hoping that he wouldn’t mind that three of them were black. But he saw them and got angry. His body stiffened and the pups started to whimper. She pulled them to her to nurse.

He asked whom she was sleeping with and she growled. ”Only you, Liam! And wasn’t one of your grandparents black? Just because there are black pups, does not mean I’ve slept around. I could have also had a relative with black fur.” The pups started to whine at her mother becoming upset.

When he got angry, she did as well. ”HELL NO! There is no way that I’m going to let you kill our pups.” She glared at him and knew that she would keep her mate from hurting her pups. She didn’t care if they were his as well, she would let him hurt his own pups. ”You’re going to have to kill me before you hurt the pups, Liam. I may love you but those pups deserve a chance to live.” Her voice was hard and firm. She was not going to give up on this matter. She gave him a glare and put her arms around her pups to shield them from her mate and their father.

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