A helpful drifter appears again
She had no damn clue how in the hell she'd managed to reach the shoreline, she wasn't even sure why she'd come to the shoreline instead of search out her own cottage, but she was tired and annoyed. She'd left a few marks on the bastard that had attacked her but he'd done just the same to her in turn. She was limping heavily, having a hard time putting any pressure on the foreleg that the male had sunk his fangs into. She knew that it wasn't broken, but she doubted that mattered as deep as his fangs had ran into her muscle. The silver and gold lady snarled angerly at herself and dropped down in the sands, too tired to go any farther.

She sat there in a jumble in the sand staring at the waves before her as the soft lulling sound washed over her, relaxing the aches and pains of the battle and the tired feeling in her soul. She knew this would have to end one day, some day but she wasn't for certain how or when. She shook her head silently and closed her eyes, knowing it would be a stupid idea to sleep, but there was nothing else that sounded good at the moment.

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