[M] Hi, my name is Anakin Skywalker

Just a note about last line, she doesn’t know about his sleeping around Smile

Her time as an AniWayan was over and Ayasha had mixed feelings over that. She was happy to be with Liam, although it would be a tough time with him. Plus, she would get to see Leon but at the expense at losing her mother, and quite possibly her siblings as well. She had a feeling that her mother would try and keep her siblings from being in contacting her. Plus, she would be on her own, sort of.

She headed out of the AniWaya and could smell Liam. He was waiting for her to leave and come to him. She grinned as she thought about being with him. Her step quickened to get to him quicker. What she saw waiting for her made her stop, with her breath catching. She grinned at his get-up. The cowboy hat fit him well. She purposefully sauntered towards him, pulling her horse next to her.

Ayasha reached Liam and went into his arms. Hey loverboy. She reached up to pull his head down so she could kiss him. It did feel a little weird to not have Dichali with her but that was OK. Ahuli grazed in some bushes and she pulled away slightly. I need to tie my horse, Ahuli, up so he doesn’t run away. She tied him to a low tree and went back into his arms. We can finally be together. Her voice was soft and just a little sad. She was mostly happy but she was going to be leaving behind most of her life to start a new life with her true love. She did feel a slight bulge in his pants and raised her eyebrow in amusement. Happy to see me, loverboy? Though she was unsure what to do. Hopefully he would somehow know what to do.

wc: 301

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