Reaching Pain

WC:465+ - OOC blah would go here

The male didn’t like to leave the new pack that he joined and they also had taken him into the fold and made him one of their own.

However the male wanted to learn the path in and out of the lands on his own and it was a great excuse to spend some time with his trusted alley, his bob cat, that he had named Amzi and who he had taken in over a year ago and had worked with her to learn the wolfen tongues, and to be his guide, aid, and help while he was hunting in the kill. It was different in the last pack, if he found a rabbit and Amzi killed it the two could have shared it, and not thought twice. Noah felt the duty to make sure that the three leaders had eaten. Then the females of the pack, and then the pups and if he was lucky he would have the bones that where left. Marrow wasn’t filling but it was food.
The two friend moved thought he pack lands, thought and past more and more neutral lands. The smell of blood hit the two friends as the same time; the cat’s fur bristled while Noah was sickened. The cat snarled and fluffed up her fur as the traveled closer and closer to the scent. Noah could almost taste the blood. The duo of blue eyes glared up on the cat. ”Oh enough!” Noah snapped. The cat had been getting her-self into more and more trouble since they joined New Dawn.

The closer the male got he was able to tell the difference between the blood and the scent of the being that the blood belonged to. Panic, the saw tooth looked at the cat. ”I need sand a..a..and moss. Not gritty sand….s..s..soft sand. Right before the d..d..damp sand. Lots! Oh and Moss!” The Sawtooth male gave the cat a nod and the she cat knew not to mess with Noah when he was like this.

” Shawchert!” Noah spoke trying to mask his terror. The male looked around, taking his claws down the side of the tree picking off a huge chunk of tree bark, pressing it on his wombs. As soon as it appered the bark wouldn’t take in any more blood the male would take another piece off. ”What happened?” The silver male pleaded with him to tell him everything. The more he knew the better he would be able to help him.
The she cat same back with sand in the sea shell that she held in her mouth, making a few trips the silver male looked at her with a nod. Then off she went to find the moss the silver wolf had asked for. ”Please let me help you.”

Image courtesy of SantiMB .@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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