[M] Open for Discussion

WC:339 OOC: Sorry fight threads are my kriptonite lol trying to work at them hence why shaw needs fight threads lol.

Shawchert was scared, scared and angry. His mind was set on defending himself, but also teaching this mutt a lesson. As he pulled out his sword and went in for his attack, he recognized the man for who he really was, though that was up for debate in Shaw’s mind as he felt flesh on his sword before it was fully deflected away by the large bat. Why was he attacking him? He had done nothing to Mars, he may have been a horrible leader but he had stepped down from that possition long ago! So what was up with him and just attacking him? No words, only growls, and …. other strange noises. Shawchert didn’t ahve time to think about that as the club came swinging at his hand. It would have been spot on if Shawchert hadn’t raised and pulled it in. His sword but getting the attack instead, as he didn’t have the time Though the club was large, it was still faster than the brute anticipated and he felt his sword nearly fly out of his hands.

That was the last thing Shaw wanted to do was lose his sword at a time like this, so he was glad when he mad a save for the sword. Everything as as though in slow motion, but wasn’t. He took a few swipes at Mars. Though if they hit he didn’t know. He just knew he wanted to keep that bat from him, and if he were to do that he would have to keep it busy defending himself. He clenshed his teeth as he made the few sideswipes in hope that he would catch the other man’s side, or arms, something that would make him stop his attacks. He moved in closer as he swung the sword, though leaving his own body exposed with his atacks. Who knew how the black man before him fought, but Shawchert wasn’t aiming to kill like hurricane, no he was aiming to injure and run like the devil.

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