A Rude Awakening

ooc text. 262

Aeron Ganesa

Ichika it was ichika once again. Though she hate to admit it she was getting quite used to where the border was and where she had to stop. The coyote female didn't want to travel far from home but she wanted to get Io Off her back. She just figured it'd be best to go and roam.

Aeron huffed as she looked down at her arm which was tucked closely to her. Aeron hated losing and she hated the way Io made it seem. She was thankful that she had run into Matteo though she knew that he should not come to Anathema anymore. He was not welcomed and that was that.

was enjoying watching the snow fall it was a lovely day and aeron found herself at the whim of her feet. She wasn't sure if she was just taking a walk near ichika since it and Anathema were close or if she would speak to anyone today. She knew where the boundaries were and she was sure to never cross them. She was building respect with some member and that was important.

She wasn't paying attention to where she was stepping and soon enough she found herself on something that bid not feel like snow or grass. Trying to move another step she stumbling a bit as she looked down. What on gods green earth was oh my. Aeron caught her balance and turned herself. It was a wolf what the heck was it doing in the snow. It was white she huffed hoping she didn't hurt the darn thing.

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