A Rude Awakening

ooc text. 273

Aeron Ganesa

Aeron had not really been in a bad mod mut the yelping sound of the wolf she had stepped on was enough to make her feel bad. though the sympathy was soon turned to slight annoyance as she listened to the girl and watched her. It seemed that reality had set in as the girl made a dash for the borders.

Aeron chuckled to herself lightly as she stood here she had managed to catch herself. She had made no attempt to fallow her. She wasn't sure what fire had caught this wolfess but she wasn't wanting to find out really. She figured she would just turn and be on her way and not morry about what the other had been dealing with. It was cruel but Aeron was beginning to lose care.

The girl the greeted her and aeron was stopped. should she just walk away. "Well I was out on a walk. clearing my mind one should not sleep where others may walk. She said not moving from her spot though the fact being her arm had limited movement still she didn't want to break the stitches though soon enough she was going to pull them out. I don't see why you ran I didn't see you in the snow. Besides my arm hurts there is no way I'd be able to hurt you. She stated.

A lie in truth she could still kill the girl but she didn't want to nor feel like she had the time. She had been out enjoying her walk now she was stopped and looking at a wolf who seemed scared of her own shadow.

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