And if I'm flying solo...At least I'm flying free


She was learning the value of not making decisions rashly. The girl had taken a very long time to decide to leave Ichika, and today she was coming back to the pack to tell them with surety. Wretch would do it whether they wished her to or not because she felt that she had a good and justified reason for going. She had tried to wait to see if Saul might come back...but even he could not keep her from the decision that she had made. Wretch had now had a taste of what it was like to live outside of the confines of a pack and she had a hard time thinking about ever going back at this point in time. She was smart and knew that she couldn't have the kind of life she wanted right now while taking care of a she had taken the whelp to a safe place. She didn't have the time or patience to try and deal with having another little life to take care of...she didn't know if she would ever want it. But right now she'd had nothing to feed the thing nor the know-how to care for it.

It seemed that she was having a lucky day. Jace was the one to appear at the borders today, two little puppies following along behind her. Wretch looked at them with interest, as curious about them as they seemed to be about her. Yes, I've returned. Just for a short amount of time, though...I must be on my way after this. I was wondering if my father had returned...or if you had seen him. He had been one of her last ties to the land, and she did want to know how he was doing. She would ask to visit him if he were here, but if not she would ask Jace to ask after him when he did eventually come home. Whenever that was. The pups seemed polite, and she gave a nod of greeting to each one of them after Jace released her from the hug. "How old are they now? I was wondering how you had been...but I didn't know about coming back. I got tired of being attacked...I was attacked twice outside the borders while I was here, and once while trying to come back to see my father."

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