A Rude Awakening
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She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Re-appear when you feel magical
WC :: +243 OOC :: set early morning on the 7th

Aeron stood there as she spoke the girl not really moving though Aeron wasn't going to move and cause her to freak. She looked at the Arctic woman. She didn't know many of the Ichikans but she was beginning to. soon enough she'd be in that pack she mused with a giggle.

She was not cut out to be a kind and caring Ichikan. War flowed through her veins though she was beginning to tame that need to fight and kill. With each passing day she was more able to ignore the need to fight. Though she was helping Mido train and gain rank though it wasn't her job.

'Very nice to meet you. I didn't hurt you too bad did I She asked being as kind as she could. She did sorta feel bad but what did the white wolf expect from sleeping in the snow. Aeron wasn't going to look down everytime she took a step.

"Aeron Ganesa I live in Anathema, I'm an Iblis. I'm working to make friends with Ichika." She said giving a bow to the woman.Aeron still made no move towards the border she felt now would be a bad time to. She could sense the tension in the girl, then it slowly sank in. the wounds on her were not that old. What she the reason there had been blood on the border? She had also smelt Amy that retched trader that came to Anathema.

To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah you know we're gonna win again

Template by Revo Modifications by Nat and Marie <3


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