come all ye traders

WC → 000 ::Jumping in...Hope you don't mind...Crap shit post...So so so sorry.

The day had started peaceful and most to say, uneventful. He hadn't seen his siblings for a long time since his residency within the clan. Jacinto's thoughts every so often would drift to the beautiful female he had met days past, Omni her name was. Of course there always was a flip side. She was the type that many men seemed to want, and sometimes they'd have. He was just a friend to her, nothing more or less it seemed. It was very hard to ignore, he wanted her as his own. The male traipsed around the spacious Mansion, utterly alone and quiet. He had forgotten his guitar in his room, the old object was gathering dust, something that brought guilt upon the lanky hybrid. A long howl cut through the air, the man froze in his tracks. Coyotes seldom howled, the long mournful sound was not the norm for Inferni. He left the Mansion with much haste, taking to the undergrowth and trees as he left. He jogged easily in his bipedal form, finding that it made him at least a bit taller and less...petite. Fiery eyes caught sight of wintry and storm loud grey fur, also not normal tones. A sigh escaped the corner of his muzzle as he walked slowly to the form before him just a ways away. As his eyes adjusted more to the large figure, he felt gloom as his eyes fell upon a child. A woman was already there confronting the stranger, the male wolf  spoke and the child slipped from his control. Who knew what would be next, the female didn't seem like the type to want to cuddle up to a wolf's offspring. Jacinto himself didn't hate wolves, but it wasn't known to others within the clan, his fear of being a traitor kept him from wanting to slip up and say something. He slowly sauntered up and stood beside the woman with the dazzling ruby eyes. Jacinto's own reddish orbs reached the blues of the wolf's sending a clear "You better get out of here." The essence of death was clear around Inferni, the skulls of unfortunate souls, the blood splashed into the soil reaching to the tallest trees roots to the tiny lichens. This canine's life would be very very horrible to see his child killed. Crossing his arms in front of him, the hybrid offered a curt "What's going on here?" The wolf had done no wrong yet, passing into the lands would be a stupid and unfortunate ending mistake. He had brought a child, still the male glanced a silent flee. Don't come back...not with your child. He glanced to the female who stood slightly hostile, probably some relative of his in some way. His promise to Ezekiel reminded the smallish Lykoi man that he would fight for the clan if this stranger showed signs of aggression, this was his home and the man wouldn't hesitate to protect it.  

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