A Different Time
It had been a couple years since her brother had tried to murder her. Almost three, since the night she'd awoken to see his teeth bared near her throat. He had promised to spare her if she'd fled their home, and Amy hadn't waited for a second chance. She'd turn and run as fast as she could, and had never looked back. Her life had been spent hiding, desperately hoping to not be found by her brother. Many had helped her survive, and she was deeply grateful for that. In thanks for their help Amy helped other unfortunates she came across, even when she herself was struggling.

To be a trader had been her dream, and to a small point she'd been successful. Amy often had furs to trade, but just as often she ran short with no food. She didn't dare to trade in open markets either, fearful of drawing attention. It was the backstreets and places that almost no one roamed Amy plied her trade, living hand to mouth. It was in just one of these kind of places that Amy found herself today, hugging a couple ragged rabbit furs. It was all she had, and hoped that she might be able to get some food with it.

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