[M] Chaos Theory

Word Count → 405 :: OMG, it's so much fun XD Sorry for the insta-reply, couldn't resist

She couldn't believe this. She just couldn't fucking believe this. Sure, Damianos hadn't been pleased when he had found out she had no interest in being his and his alone—in fact he'd been a total uptight tool about it. Poor little spoiled brat finally not getting what he wanted for once. Perhaps somewhere in the back of her head she had thought he might try and get back at her for it all, but this? This shit was crossing a line. And how in the underworld had he convinced the rest of the crew to leave her behind? While the brunt of her rage was directed at that small-pricked bastard, the others weren't completely safe. They should have known not to trust anything Damianos had to say in regards to her.

Honestly Ariadne hadn't been paying much attention to exactly where she was going or what she was doing. The dog-hybrid's only goal was to cause as much noise and destruction as her lithe limbs could manage, so she was oblivious to the presence of any other souls. A slight flicker or a grin painted her features as the bin crashed loudly against a wall, but it disappeared as soon as a masculine voice split the air. Ari turned sharply, curled chocolate locks flew in an arch around her stream-lined body as her raptor eyes locked on the dark wolf.

Luckily for her, she understood the language that he spoke. Living and working on docks and ports around Europe had given her a fairly good command of many tongues. She had met her fair share of wolves, indeed wolf-blood flowed through her veins though one couldn't really tell it by looking at her. Wolf was so very foreign and...taboo where she came from that a mischievous spark flared inside of her anger. Perhaps there was a more beneficial way to relieve her current stress.

The Cretan's willowy form sauntered over to the dirty brick wall on which the man was perched, her hips swinging in an undeniably sultry fashion. One hand rested itself upon her slim waist as she looked up at the capped wolf. "I have, ever so rudely, been left here by the ship I work on," she spoke in Greek-flavored English. "I need a distraction and some—if you ask me—well-deserved release. So, you game wolf-boy?" Straightforward, blunt. It was the best seduction technique she could muster given the circumstances.

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