M. Edward Scissorhands
Word Count :: 3391 Damn this took forever to write @_@ But wee, finally got it done. Plus, mind [m] taggin this mister? <3

Scents swirled around him; some familiar and yet some foreign and strange. As he slowly began to grow more and more conscious he tried to will himself to open his eyes, to move or do something and yet all he could see was darkness and his bodied rebelled against the idea of doing anything, pain rippling all over his form. Form? Slowly he began to realise that he was in he secui form, lying upon the soft pelts of his bed upon his left side, knowing that if he were to open his eyes he would be staring at the cave wall of which his bed was placed and constructed against. Panic began to rise within him as he continued to see nothing, just the never ending darkness that sought to consume him, but yet as he tried to move, tried to escape the dark, he fond his body weighed too much, his muscles to weak to lift even a finger. All he could do was lay there feeling weak and helpless, pathetic, alone and cold despite the fire he could vaguely hear burning a few paces away.

Unable to accept the fact that he could not move he continuously pushed through the pain and finally managed to initiate his shift; being in his secui form disturbed him for some strange reason, for he had never truly had an issue as to what form he remained in seeing each as a separate part of himself; each form retaining it's own uses and downfalls. Experimentally he inhaled deeply, earning himself a ricochet of pain that spread from his chest to the rest of his broken body, his muscles tightened in response only causing more pain and suffering and so muscle by muscle he forced each to relax, keeping his breathing shallow and slow as to not cause himself further harm.

Each breath, in and out, slow and steady, giving him something to concentrate on aside from his pain. Yet, despite the burning aches and never ending throbbing and sudden piercing pain the young Rakeeb was distinctly aware that nothing felt broken; he was definitely cut up and most likely looking a right sorry sight, but as far as he could feel the majority of his wounds would heal quickly; he'd have a whole new array of scars but nothing serious to worry about yet.

With his breathing steady he allowed himself to leisurely recall the memories of the incident bit by bit. For one, he was gonna kill Miwa and lecture the young girls ears off of her once he was up and about, followed by putting her through some form of strict warrior training as punishment. Mentally he paused, considering his daughters impending punishment and quickly changed his mind; warrior training would be a reward to the strange girl rather than a punishment... maybe he could ask Caprica or one of the other females within the pack to give the headstrong child 'how to be a proper lady' lessons, for sure they'd be the kids form of living hell.

Aside from kicking his daughters arse for her mighty show of stupidity there was also the case of the trespasser, the pale's name escaped the young samurai at the moment but he was unsure what to make of the stranger; the male had shown blatant disrespect to his and Naniko's borders and crossed them without any hesitation, to help save some of the pack children and himself and so he couldn't exactly think badly of the male, but the fact that a stranger had trespassed upon what he perceived as his lands bugged him and despite the fact he understood that he was being overly territorial and no doubt over thinking things, he had began to grow irritable and angry towards the unknown male had saved him instead of thankful.

Time began to slip by him and he was clueless as to whether it was day or night, nor did he know how long he had been unconscious. Straining his ears he tried to hear something that may indicate the time or date; it was a long shot, but laying there weak and feeble as he was he had nothing better to do. Once more time passed and he heard nothing; no sign of Miwa rummaging around, no crows cawing and fidgeting. Just the sound of the breeze that travelled through the tunnels the pack called home, the sound of fire burning away in an pointless attempt to keep his chamber warm. But then, after laying and listening to the dead silence for so long he heard the distinct sound of footsteps, a door opening; his cave door judging from the infuriating creak, followed by another creak as it was closed, but no click or low bang followed and his temper spiked; again and again he had told Miwa to close the door properly and shut it, but again and again the girl left it wide open or only partially shut it.

Concentrating he slowly mapped out the others progress using nothing more than his hearing and scent; sight was an easy way to 'see' but he was no ignorant fool to the practical and often sharp useless of his other senses. Whomever had entered seemed to pause in the workshop; adding more chopped wood to the fire there, before moving towards his own chambers and opening the bloody door to enter his room. Breathing in he realised that whomever this was was not his daughter, nor where they pack. A string of curses passed through his mind as he lay there helplessly listening to the other approach him and lower himself onto his bed; if he did ache so much, if he didn't hurt and feel so weak he would have shouted, growled or inflicted some form of pain upon the other for such disrespect to personal space.

Breathing in the males scent again it slowly registered within his mind as belonging to the trespassing bastard; a sudden touch to the side of his face caused him to flinch, but otherwise he displayed no signs of being conscious. Laying there he heard the other sigh, “Still dead to the world, huh?” the males voice was deep, throaty and before he knew better he found himself both drawn and intrigued by something as simple as the others voice... and that's when he quickly changed his thought process and concentrated on anything else but the male laying beside him.

Shifting beside him indicated that the male planned to sleep next him, fuelling the Rakeeb's frustration in regards to the others complete lack of understanding of personal space. Sure, he himself wasn't exactly the best with it and privacy, but for someone to so casually lay upon his bed, so close that he could feel the pale male's body heat. Strangely, feeling the other next time him eased some of the pain and tension that had been building unknowingly within him; he wasn't alone. For now. And with that sleep consumed him once more.

Night passed and he slept soundly through, but as morning came once more he awoke to nothing but pain, sore muscle stiff from where he'd held them still ached and needed to be stretched out and yet he still felt heavy and unwilling to move from the spot where he lay. At the same time, he knew he couldn't simply lie there forever. Sharpening his other senses he couldn't hear anyone within his room and so he slowly relaxed his mind and began to shift; one of the stupidest things he could do, but at the time it had seemed smart.

As his muscles and limbs began to shift and change to his will, he groaned and couldn't hold back the pathetic whimper that escaped his lips, all the while he forced himself to focus, forced himself to stay conscious and complete the shift. Seconds dragged on as if they were hours, his breathing laboured and his mind empty of anything aside from the simple task of forcing himself to change. From Secui to optime he felt every part of him stretch, felt his wounds rip open and begin bleeding once more but he cared little. He wanted to be in his optime form and he'd have things no other way.

Finally the transition came to an end and he lay curled upon his side in a ball, death to the world and passed out from the overwhelming pain. The darkness swallowed him and sheltered him from the pain, sheltered him from the reality of the fact he still couldn't see, unconsciousness was welcome at such a time and he made no effort to keep himself awake.

The next time he awoke he felt the presence of the pale male beside him, hand gently stroking his cheek in a soothing manner. Fed up of the way the other was treating him he tried to turn over and speak but all he managed was a small shuffle of limbs and a low groan of pain. Dizziness struck him and he could feel himself losing consciousness all over again, but this time he fought it and anchored himself to the present, despite how easy it was to slip once more into unconsciousness and be oblivious to reality.

All over again memories of the attack flooded him and finally he managed to speak through his dry throat. “Miwa?” he asked, not remember too many details regarding his daughters safety. Aside from killing the bear, everything was one big blur of pain and blood-lust. The blood covering him and soaking his dark form; he couldn't help it, he licked his lips. Sure, he was no doubt a sorry sight for sore eyes at that moment, but all that blood, the adrenaline, it was well worth it in the end. Again the hand returned to his cheek, the touch soft and reassuring, “She's fine” the male responded, the pale one's voice like a gentle caress.

Mumbling some incoherent response he took inventory of his body; once more he concluded that there was nothing more than flesh wounds, just a lot of cuts, some deep some shallow. The tightness surrounding his arms and legs led him to believe his bandages must have been changed. The only thing that concerned him truly was his lack of sight. Placing a hand tenderly upon the fur beside him, he slowly pushed himself up into a seated position with assistance from the other male, which only humiliated him further. Never before had he felt so weak, pathetic and vulnerable. A sigh had his head turning in the direction of the sound, frustrated by his lack of sight and ability to pin point the others exact location. “Gotta say. Shifting was just about the daftest idea anyone could do in your condition” the male scolded and got a smirk in return; the young Rakeeb had already figured that much out.

Reaching gingerly with his hand he explored his face, feeling the coarse bandages that covered his eyes and a fair amount of the left side of it, which answered why he couldn't see anything. Moving his hand up further he pushed back stray strands of dark fair he felt scattered across his face. Then he felt his way to where the bandages were tied off and began to untie them only to have his hand slept away; the action instantly causing the grey Rakeeb to growl at the pale male. If he wanted the bandages of, the bloody things were coming of one way or another.

Guessing the other had figured as such, the stranger began carefully undoing the bandages. “Keep your eyes closed, although you're rooms dimly lit, we weren't sure how much damage you took to them” the throaty voice explained, causing Alaki's insides to cramp up with fear. Inch by inch the bandages came undone and he remained patient whilst the strange male inspected the wounds upon his face. “Okay, open them slowly” he instructed, the order grinding upon the young samurai the wrong way but he still complied. Light began to bleed into his sight, the familiar sight of his room ever so slowly coming into focus bit by bit, but something was off. Turning his head he looked around the room and frowned, casting his eyes to the pale male whom he could finally see; noting the others many piercings and tattoo upon first glance. “Damn you have a load of metal in your face” he spoke the thought aloud without realising but felt no shame for stating the obvious; the male seemed unperturbed and laughed at his assessment.

“Hows your sight” he asked, concern lacing his voice, which was strange; the male before him was a stranger, so whom was he to be concerned as to his welfare. Puzzling over this for a few moment the Rakeeb soon gave up and turned his attention back to his funny eye sight. Before he realised he found himself turning his head so that he could see the other and then froze, a grim expression sat upon his face. Cautiously he closed he right eye to find himself in darkness once more, before opening it and looking at the others worried expression. Repeating this with his left eye he found that it made no difference; open or closed, he saw nothing but darkness through his left eye. Pulling his lip back he released an annoyed growl, his face throbbing where the bear's claw had torn across it.

Seeing the others confused and near panicked expression he smiled smugly, despite the situation. “Left eye seems to be gone” he explained and the other simply looked grim and sympathetic but made no comment. Silence began to settle between them and soon it grew awkward, leaving the young warrior grouping for something to say or do to break it and make things more comfortable. “So how bads my face?” he asked, deadly serious.

Taken by surprise, Alex simply shot him a quizzical look before laughing and attempting poorly to cover the laughter up with a cough. “You're gonna have a whole array of scars. Good thing girls dig scars these days or you'd be screwed.” he responded way to cheerfully. Raising an eyebrow he shot the pale male a funny look, “Well damn. That's my life ruined; only thing I had going for me was my face. That dammed bloody bear, why do they always go for the face” he responded in a melodramatic manner. “Now how am I gonna pull all the guys!” he added, making a point to correct the other in regards to his sexual orientation and watching the males face for his response; a surprisingly happy smile that confused the hell out of the Rakeeb.

“Well if it makes you feel better, it's not as if ya can see your face anyway” Alex responded in jest, clearly just barley containing his laughter and so was Alaki. Attempting to keep his face in it's usual irritated frown he responded “I'm only blind in one eye. ONE eye” he emphasised the one part, pointing vaguely at his left eye to make his point clear, before seeing the look upon the others face and the pair bursting out laughing. Strange as it was, the freakishly pale male had a screwed up sense of humour and at that moment he was thankful; if he wasn't laughing at what had happened to him at that moment, he'd of no doubt been wallowing in self pity.

As laughter faded silence followed once more until the grey Rakeeb sighed and shook his head careful. “Bollocks. My life is ruined now” he complained, deadly serious and joking at the same time.

Now that he was much more conscious he cast his eye over himself assessing the damaged he'd taken; noting bandages covering both thighs, blood slightly seeping through the right one already and yet the left was the one that hurt more. Twisting his head in an awkward manner he looked upon his left arm and shoulder to see more bandages, before turning to look at his right arm and pausing. Lifting his head he noticed the pale male making a swift retreat backwards.

His right arm hurt like hell.... but not because of the bear. It would seem the pale metal face had decided to shave his arm and was in the process of giving the warrior a tattoo. Before he could even question the strange male, Alex quickly jumped to his defence “You were out cold for two days and I was bored! Plus I had new equipment that simply begged to be tested out! I was only tattooing your packs symbol on ya, in memory of your mighty defence again the bear” Alex was resorting to outright flattery towards the end in an attempt to defuse the darker male's growing rage. Yet, instead of being infuriated with the other, the Rakeeb simply shifted his eyes back to the work in progress with morbid fascination. “How long till ya finish it?” he asked out of curiosity.

Breathing out in relief, Alex padded back over and sat upon the edge of the male's bed. “Well, if ya lie back down and stay still, I can probably get this done in around twenty minutes?” he responded, moving a hand to point at the deign “This part here still needs colouring in, otherwise the rest is done” he announced, pride filling his voice. “Hmmm” he simply responded, before carefully moving across the bed and lying down in a surprising show of obedience for once. Despite his intention of lying down on his own, he was helped by the pale male and watched as the other went and fetched his equipment before returning back to the bed and poking at his arm, the pain sharp and shot lived. But very repetitive.

Whilst the other work it occurred to him that he still didn't know the others name or even why the other was camped out in his living quarters. “So, you haven't introduced yourself nor explained to me while you are intruding my home” he spoke aloud, wincing slightly as the other dug into his arm once more. “Alex. Alexander Collins; I was by ya borders about to howl for help; needed directions it would seem. Heard the shouting and decided to help and I have enough basic medical know how to watch your dead unmoving arse for two days. You wren’s the only one hurt; saves ya medic having to pamper you twenty-four seven.” Alex explained, all the while continuing his work upon the male's arm.

Surprisingly, the others explanation was fairly reasonable and he didn't bother to question the strange male further; especially not when said male was poking his arm and permanently marking him. As Alex worked a voice drifted into his cave, that of his Angela asking if he was in. Opening his mouth he was about to respond before he caught the look on Alex's face and dread fled into his stomach... What the hell is that maniac going to do now..

His mental question was answered quickly, for Alex suddenly moaned loudly, following it with even more husky groans that were highly misleading, causing Alaki to simply stare at his companion in complete shock. “Alexander! Stop that...” he practically hissed at the male, before the other just shot him a devilish look and continued regardless of the Rakeeb's attempt to stop him. “Hush. You know you like it” he responded, all the while continuing to work on the tattoo; Alaki wasn't sure what was more amazing; the fact that Alex could work and mislead Naniko at the same time or the face the strange male had the balls to sit there moaning in the first place. “No. No no no...” before he could continue Alexander placed a hand across the Rakeeb's mouth, preventing any further comment from the grey warrior aside from muffled incoherent words.

With that god dammed smug mischievous look upon his face and groaned even more loudly to make sure that Naniko heard him, before adding a panted “Yes” to finish the whole effect; the pale male had not only earned himself a filthy look from the samurai, but was now subject to any and all future revenge plots once the young warrior was back on his feet.

Image courtesy of Nicholas_T

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