Tomorrow Never Knows
His muzzle didn’t leave hers, even if she moved it, he remained lovingly next to her. His tongue exited once again, knowing that he couldn’t feasibly kiss away her sadness but he’d damn well try, he’d try. Her voice had recalled some bit of childhood memories, wrenched them from him to recall why her voice had hit him like it did. Saluce’s mother used to sing to him, at night when he’d stay up looking south hoping his father would come bounding over the horizon, smile on his handsome face. But every night it always ended as the sun made it’s slow decent under the earth, and every night she’d carry him back home.

“My mother used to sing to me, my father disappeared when I was little. Our town was being attacked and he stayed behind with a few others to slow them down so we could escape.” Finally his restless form settled next to hers, sitting on his rear, his head resting on her shoulders. “I’d sit up every night, waiting for him and she’d carry me back home when I’d fall asleep. “ Maybe it was his story, or maybe because his father had sacrificed himself in the most honorable fashion to ensure the people under his protection survived. But it still affected him to this day, he had never known his father really well, only the idealized version of him. And it was this that drove him to take in the wayward souls, to ensure they had what he hadn’t had.

“I never got to know my dad, only that he was a kind man, and that he sacrificed himself so we could live. And if there ever comes a time when I have to make that sacrifice I will.” He kissed her cheek with a gentle lick, his heart fully captured by the golden woman.

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