[M] But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue
[html]Word Count: 237

Drakien carefully cut a slice for himself, and lifted it in toast to her before taking it into his mouth, chewing delicately. Deer meat this good was best enjoyed slowly, and while he was very grateful to her for getting it for him--taking it, he should say--he couldn't help but wonder why she'd done it. It didn't occur to him that she considered herself indebted to him; he'd done what was right by the Code, helped a woman in need, and if anything, he still needed to work to repay her for what the men of this town had done to her. It was not his home town, though, so perhaps the responsibility shouldn't have fallen on his shoulders; but he'd been the one to step forward, and so it was his duty now.

Cutting another slice for each of them, he proffered it to her, his tail beating the ground lightly. He did that for each bite he took, seeing no reason she shouldn't have an equal share in anything she took from this place, and then, when it was finished, he rubbed his hands together and licked the blood off them, murmuring a small prayer Cai had taught him before smiling at her. It occurred to him that he hadn't gotten her name, and blinked, before smiling sheepishly. "Ah, I am being forgetting introductions, yes? I am Drakien." He held out a hand.[/html]

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