Facing your inner demons
The sky was stained purple, a deep looming color that presented itself with a foreboding sense of power. The night had come, and had come fast, eating away the final tendrils of light and replacing them only with the weak glimmering of starlight. Thick, blossoming clouds of black and soot obscured the cool blue light of the moon, plunging the valley below into an eerie midnight, a sultry ebony that curled so lovingly around every branch and bush and rock. She could feel midnight's gentle coo, a luscious whisper of a distant lover that tickled her ears. Shadows wrapped dangerously around her paws, taking the shape of hungry mouths with dozens of sharp teeth .. nibbling gently upon her tender, mortal skin. Oh, if only she too were as immortal, as sensual, as the shadows.

She smiled up at Kiara through the dark haze, pushing aside the shadows like thick, oily smoke. Of course, these tendrils and teeth were not visible to those of a lesser mental standing than herself (for she often hallucinated such bizarre things without sleep in his system), but to her .. they were present, real, and shockingly cold. The dull murmur of dying shadow monsters was prevalent in his ears, their cries whispering of his abandonment, of their intents to eat her alive. Their teeth .. they wanted to peel her flesh away from his muscle, to eat her piece by piece until she was nothing but a skeleton rotting in a sunken, shallow grave of dirt and blood. This, this the shadows whispered to her, coiling around her ankles like giant constrictor snakes as she made his way through the darkness to sit in front of the female and touched her nose to her own.

How many , she wondered, drifting through the shadows and pulling himself as if he were walking through quicksand, how many have these wolves devoured her skin? There was no fear in her glimmering eyes, only intent and burning curiosity. She could feel the cold ground on her paws, and she wagged her tail. Will I die tonight? She was not sure .. her pupils beyond dilated as her exhausted state caused her mind to drift even further into mental delirium. Perhaps if I die, I will re-incarnate as a shadow. The obscure thought passed into her mind for merely a moment, causing her to smile something wicked and insanely devious. If he could be a shadow .. oh how much fun she'd have! She almost welcomed the teeth as they bit him, still harder .. and she waited for the blood.

She cast her bright gaze into the distance, staring into the shadow .. staring at a figure that had suddenly appeared there, though she had forgotten Kiara for just a moment, it seemed like forever in her messed up mind. The sound of Kiara's voice sounded desperately into the blackness; the snakes around her legs perked their heads and hissed with delight. They wanted to eat Insomnia's words and then his body and then her soul. They began to slither away from her, leaving her legs bloodied (of course, not in reality) and scabbing as they disappeared into the black mist, searching for their new meal. Thus though, had only been in her mind as her tired state had made her insane in her mind, but okay to talk to Kiara. She could not help but sigh, lifting her paw to stare at the wound that only her mind had imagined before sniffing the wound on Kiara. "How did that happen? Are you okay? Who hurt you?!" her voice went harsh, in fear. She had never heard of another wolf hurting another. The thought frightened her.

WC: 620

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