[M] Touched for the very first time
.: OOC Somebody likes being desired. hehehe She'll lead the chase to Avalon. You can PP him catching her there or anywhere in between. :: WC 581:.

As Zalen moved down to explore her body more she arched herself over him to cradle him to her breast, her nose buried deep in the back of his mane as she drank in his woodsy scent. His flavor was just as strong as ever, but now in his arousal tinted with something even more feral – it was a scent that Titania drank in wildly with each rapid breath.

His hands caressed her curves and everywhere his palms touch tingled, sending warm little thrills throughout her body. She wished he could touch her everywhere, all at once. She wanted more, more of this. She yearned for his touch, but still never in her wildest dreams could she imagine what this would one day feel like. He nestled himself into the curves of her breasts and then, Ahh! It was shocked pleasure. She tensed for just a moment before letting out her breath as his mouth moved away from her nipple. Her eyes opened to peer down at him as he moved back up and for a moment she caught herself wondering why on earth would he stop?

She didn't want him to stop, she wanted more, but this could only go so far before she would snap at him and push him away. Thankfully, that didn't have to happen. They remained in their embrace, Zalen now nuzzling and licking beneath her chin. She was about to beg for him to do what he had done again, but the sudden shift in power spoke to her dominant tendencies. When they became mates it was she who submitted to Zalen; now it was he who submit to her, and it wasn't just a small part of her that liked it. One moment about to be his servant in love, the next rising to power. Titania turned eyes on Zalen that would speak a challenge if she were any other wolf, but they were equals.

...no, a challenge was there all the same. Love was a game, after all, and in the months before her estrus there would be many games. “I love you Zalen. Do you want me?” One hand wandered, the claws scratching ever so lightly as they made their way down his well toned abdomen, down to his waist, and then even closer still... she watched that grin, waiting for the humor to melt into lust. “Are you ready for this hunt?” She whispered, her voice smooth as silk as her hand brushed closely to his desire before teasingly moving away and reaching to his hand that still cupped her rump. Her fingers wrapped around his for a moment, and then in a sudden and possibly unexpected move she twisted out of his arms and danced away.

“This is only the beginning,” and her words were both a real challenge and a metaphor. He could chase her now, but even if he caught her he couldn't have her for months. He would be hunting her for a very long time.

She slipped over to a coupling of trees before she turned around, her body poised to accentuate her curves. She didn't hide her lust; some might try to mask their scent, or cover their breasts, Titania did neither. She wanted this, she wanted him to know that she desired him but was still in control.

She disappeared into the shadows of the trees just after flashing a mischievous smile that seemed to say 'Come get me.'

Table by the Mentors!

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