[M] But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue
He ate his slice so slowly, Amy's mouth watering at the sight. Despite her control, Amy rarely practiced it over things that she found pleasure in. As soon as he finished the slice Amy grabbed hers and scarfed it down. The blood sat on her tongue, soothing her thirst for the moment, before she swallowed and it was gone. The meat was delicious, some of the best. Each time the foreigner repeated this, giving her a slice before meticulously drawing out the best of the meat himself. Amy's never lasted as long, though she did slow down long enough for the flavor to soak in. She was right at having come to that stall. It was very, very good. It was too bad the merchant was such an idiot.

At the end of the meal some words were spoken, words that made no sense to her. It was quite and low, in another language. Amy's ears strained forward, struggling for futile understanding. He smiled up at her, catching her by surprise. Blinking Amy listened as he spoke. Of course, introductions. They couldn't forget those. My name is Amy Sunders. It's a pleasure to meet you, Drakien. She shook his hand, feeling how strong his grasp was. He must have worked very hard to be so defined. Amy pushed aside the feeling of want that stirred, concentrating instead on making sure her grip matched his. She didn't do so well, strong but still very much a female, her hands more delicate and crafted than his. The reminder burned her again as she struggled to squish the feelings it stirred. They had just met. He'd only helped her a little, and she'd paid her debt. Besides, she didn't know what he wanted. Until then she couldn't trust him.

That had never stopped her before though. Amy could only hope it would work now.

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