[m] in your padded cell

haha, np ^^

Word Count → 317+

There was an irresistible tickling sensation in his stomach, something that had been the bane of his existence since he had reached maturity. It these moments he was much, much less aloof, his senses dull and his mind diverted. All because of one thing. And that was thing was the simple fact that in those situations, he could only think with his dick. It wasn't so much his fault, it happened to most men. It was almost like running headlong down an alley and not being able to turn around again. By time he had an idea in his head it was too late. On the other hand, at least he was focused. He had no interest in pups and may have been a bit irritated if he'd found out her true reasons for this meeting, but for now he was clueless and ready to enjoy himself.

Angel was pleased that she seemed to be captivated in his gaze and smiling slyly, he stepped closer, resting his snout next to her ears. It was a pity, a real, genuine pity, that Inferni didn't take mutts. She had the slyness of a coyote after all. Burying his snout in her hair, he growled. 'Well...' he hummed leaning in as close as possible. 'Let's go inside...' he said calmly. Pulling away suddenly, he caught her hand tightly and pulled her into the cafe he had just left. Weaving his way past the carnage he entered the back room. The stairs were intact enough to make their way up, but Angel was wary of the floorboards above. Pulling the mutt girl into what must have been a downstairs sitting room, he eyed up a large chaise lounge in one corner. He paused at door way, 'Ladies first' he smiled, releasing Amy's wrist lightly. Perhaps he had been slightly rough but it had been a few months after all.

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