

Word Count → 388 :: Table & Coding © Tammi

Broken glass is luxury; Friendly fires are alchemy

Bastion quickly shook his head in the negative fashion. Why would he need the critter to be running about if what he wanted was to see what was in the inside of it? No, for that he would need the animal to be still so that he could do whatever it was that he wished to end up doing. His idea of playing had always been an odd one, different from what others happened to think about when they thought of playing. Playtime for Bastion was when he was in absolute control of the situation so that he could do what he wanted to do.

And no, dead creatures weren't any fun without his puppy around to spread the blood onto. The whole purpose that he kept these small animals alive was so that he could see how the insides worked. That wasn't something that could be found out once the creature had died. After all, if the lemming had cooperated then Bastion would have crudely stitched it back up and allow it to continue on its way again to live however much longer it would live.

Bastion went from pouting to growling as the female first mocked him and then thought to help herself to what was left of his toy. While her face was in the pile of guts Bastion aimed to bring a clawed hand down across her face, seeking to add some sort of injury to her for thinking that she could just take something that belonged to him. Now more than ever he would demand for her to make it up to him. He blamed her for the toys death as well as having stolen the innards of the critter.

The stupidity of the female was easily apparent as she allowed herself to be near his grasp and seemed to be more focused on eating then on him. Such was fine though, Bastion thrived on being underestimated. He stood, having the height advantage for once as the female was in her lupus form while he stuck to optime. With a quick movement he reached out to grab the female's throat while she was preoccupied with feasting on something that wasn't hers. He intended on forcing her away from what belonged to him and intended upon demanding her to make it up to him.

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