King is in his counting house
Kiara Amarok

Word Count → 376 :: Out of Character text

It was time to go hunting again. Her wounds were healing well, the scars were not as red and didn't bother her as much. Her movement was less restricted and her fur had started to cover up the scars on her neck and shoulder. There wasn't much she could do about the spiral on her belly. It was the worst out of all her scars and it was taking the longest to heal. As Kiara stretched out, she tested the scars, making sure that they didn't give her too much trouble. It felt good to stretch out her back and legs. She worked carefully, if she was wrong then there could be disastrous consequences.

When the arctic wolf was satisfied that her wounds would hold up she headed out. They needed meat, and badly. Shiloh was not doing well, Sarian needed to be fed, and Aleo was just plain useless. Kiara trotted through the mountains and thought about everything that had happened recently. There were many good things that had happened, while there were also many bad experiences. It was a wonder the snow wolf didn't just break from the stress.

A stranger's howl broke through the forest, it had the yipping quality of a coyote. Kiara wondered if it might be Vesper, she didn't recognize the voice though. For a while the arctic wolf debated whether or no she should respond to the call. But...she couldn't just leave and pretend like she never heard it. After all, one should always greet visitors with open arms and a friendly smile. Reluctantly Kiara headed off in the direction of the call. With some luck she could get the meeting over with quickly and reduce her interaction with the stranger. The snow wolf still didn't like meeting with strangers, despite her meeting with Insomnia.

Hesitantly she approached the boarder, wondering what the stranger could possibly want. Standing just beyond it was a grey and tan coywolf. She stopped several yards away, her head and tail were down and her ears were tipped forward. With a small bow she said, "N...Namaste. My name is Kiara Amarok, the Ikusei for Ichika no Ho-en. How can I help you." Her voice was a little hesitant, the fear coloring it just slightly.

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