[M] Hi, my name is Anakin Skywalker
((WC 423. No, you can't tell I'm a fan of steamy romance novels. LOL))

He was enjoying her reaction to his touches and caresses. He let her bat away his hands and unfasten his jeans, though. He grit his teeth as she let her hand linger over his heat, resisting the urge to push her face into the region. He looked down at her, seeing his own need mirrored in her gaze. He opened the button, beginning to push the jeans down. He licked his lips as she took over, his erect manhood jutting out like a mythical unicorn's horn. He stepped out of the jeans, not caring where they went to. Clothes were unneeded in the cabin.

He took her hands, drawing her to him, kissing her deeply again, their tongues dancing a sensuous tango. Without warning, he lifted his mate into his arms, holding her close as he crossed the few feet to the soft clean bed. The scent of the pine became stronger -though not cloyingly so to the male- as he laid her down. He could smell her arousal, and he licked his lips.

For a moment the butterflies whispered at him. "Hurt her. Draw her blood from her body, make her scream. Sex and pain, sex and pain..." He blinked, and the voices were subdued, though not absent. He put his weight on his hands as he leaned over her, a gentle smile on his lips. "Beautiful," he whispered as he laid down next to her , propping himself up on one elbow so he could run his hand down her body.

He trailed a feather light caress from her shoulder to her chest, laying his hand over her heart, feeling the rapid beat under his palm. Next, his hand lingered over her breast, rubbing it tenderly. He rested his hand on her stomach, envisioning it swelling with their pups some day. And then he was cupping her feminine core, feeling the heat of her need warming his palm. He left his hand there for a moment, watching her face. The teasing heat became too much to resist, and he slipped a finger inside her moist folds, caressing the jewel concealed within. He wanted to bring her to satisfaction at least once before thrusting into her and taking the proof of her innocence from her. He pulled his hand free from it's position for only a moment to take her hand and lay it over his stiff rod. He licked his fingers, tasting her sweet juices, then returned his fingers to the warm nest of her womanhood to caress her jewel again.

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