let me see that

Word Count :: 300

Aeron had not felt this good in so long the beating of hooves matching hers she just was so alive today. But she needed to search for things so she began to slow him more as she looked around as she slowly came around the corner.

She pulled harder with her good arm and brought Elzar to a halt as she saw the wolf all bundled up.Her hurt arm hidden under her cloak she looked at the girl as she felt Elzar fidget a bit. "Well hello there" Aeron called out smiling. She was testing the water so to speak seeing if the other was friendly she sat there as her horse shifted nervously.

Patting his neck she smiled. Trying to comfort the male she watched the girl. She wasn't sure who she was or where she came from but that was fine with Aeron. She had been promoted by Naniko for her hard work and she hoped to continue up the ranks and be Naniko's go to sorta girl. She really wanted to make herself of use to her.

She decided not to just sit there so she dismounted herself from the steed. Opening a saddle bag the calico cat emerged. Aeron held out her arm and the cat climbed up it and smiled. 'Mama can we find me a pretty too?" She asked nuzzling aeron. Aeron smiled "The ride wasn't to rough was it?" She asked as Zenna just snuggled onto her. She knew very well that the cat cared not how rough the ride she just enjoyed working with Aeron.

She patted Elzar and smiled Go on big guy I'll find ya when I need ya." She spoke as he moved away from her. "Come to find goods as well? She asked giving her a smile

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed borther; table by the Mentors!

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