within my bones this resonates
[html]Empusa heard the call from Gabriel. She was beginning to be able to recognize his voice...this was the second time she had heard it. Empusa hadn't known Kaena at all, had only known that the dog was her grandmother...so to her, Gabriel would always be the leader. He had been the one to allow her to join, and to turn her mother away. It had proven to be a good choice; Empusa had learned that wolves, and hybrids that looked like them, were disgusting creatures. How could a /coyote/ live amongst Gods like them? It would be unsanitary.

She arrived with the others, taking a spot toward the outside of the circle. She was too young to help a lot, maybe to help at all...she would watch, though.

"Would you be vanting my help? Other than that I will watch--and join the next time we 'ave an 'unt"[/html]

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