[M] But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue
So it was a simple wish for company. Amy relaxed, and listened with some curiosity as he explained about the feeling of her being gypsy. Amy had seen a few of them, accepting their trade of slaves and the like. She ran through her head what she knew about them. They traveled in groups, lived out of wagons, were essentially traders. A lot like the way she was now, actually. The main difference was that Amy used those who came her way, while the gypsies had an honest kinship between them. That meant the man's offer was genuine, far more so than any others she'd encountered. If he counted her as kin, she'd never be betrayed by him.

Amy's ears raised as he explained he'd seen her as a gypsy woman without a caravan. It seemed that very little would be needed to become kin to this man, as he was far too shy and apart from other gypsies to live without kin. It was meat to them, the company and friendship of those they traveled with. Amy smiled warmly as Drakien gathered his stuff, embarrassed by his assumption. She grabbed his hand. Yes, lucky road. Together? I would love to have kin. What Amy would really love about this arrangement was the work she would be able to get out of Drakien without any effort, all in the name of being kin. All Amy would have to do was be nice to him, and he would be hers.

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