Trader to Trader

Sky Rhiannon: The Witch Doctor
pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name

Apparently, this Amy had only wished to learn more about d'Arte. Sky decided, after a moment of thought, to tell her the basics but nothing more. "Cercatori d'Arte's a pack for artisans and traders. Merchants. Not much more to it than that, really." She replied almost boredly, cool eyes never leaving the blond-furred woman for an instant. "Though the usual assumption people make, artisans being weak in battle... a warning we like to toss in these days is that we're not." As if on cue, Queen snorted and took an uneasy step backwards, flaring her tail for a moment. Sky hushed the horse quietly with somewhat obvious low-speech and then turned her attention back to Amy.

"Well now you know. Anything else?" Nope, not a very friendly woman, but at least she was better than the rest of her pack. Had either of the boys, Shawchert or Taliesin, greeted the poor rogue, it would've been obvious that Sky was being nice. With tension came tempers and Sky had plenty... but at least the medic could control hers.

WORD COUNT :: 177 || Blargh. Fail post. x:

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