Diamonds and rust
Sebastian was once again coming back for wine. He was planning to build up quite a supply for Casa di Cavalieri for three purposes: to sell, get drunk on, and get people he intended to sleep with a little tipsy. He had one empty satchel, his bow and quiver of arrows, and a pair of jeans. Sure, it was a lot of work to carry the wine back to Casa di Cavalieri, and progress would be much faster with a horse and a caravan; but horses still scared him.

Sebastian trekked down the road, heading south from Casa. The place was close. The sun shone coldly. Sebastian was heading in the right direction before he turned a corner, paused, and stared. There was a massive horse and a flash of psychedelic colour before the colourful thing disappeared into a wrecked house. The Italian stared, wondering what the hell the brightly coloured Thing was, and headed towards the horse.

The beast swung its head around suddenly, letting out a loud snort that made Sebastian backtrack immediately, slowly taking out his bow and a single arrow. He didn't notch it quite yet, but seriously. Those things freaked him out.

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