Trader to Trader

Sky Rhiannon: The Witch Doctor
pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name

She mulled over the question carefully, eyes narrowing as she considered her answer carefully. She'd been trading a long time, born and raised a rogue and an orphan beside her older sister. There was nothing ignorant about the pregnant woman and she was quick to catch on. Something about what the woman was saying was calculated, at the very least. "We have no such route. We trade with other packs more than we do rogues. What's there to gain from building relations with a rogue when there are nine other packs in the area to choose from?" When the rogue woman commented on not being as barbaric as the other packs... earned the poor girl a cool and pronounced glare. "Beasts like my packmates? Watch what you say. D'Arte is made up of more than just those with the virus." She considered the pale woman another moment before lifting her chin a bit. "Nevermind that, however. Is there anything else you came here for, or are we done here?" Sky had determined that visitors that didn't have interest in either joining or coming from another pack were simply not worth the pleasant interactions. Rogues, without the intentions of joining a pack or group, were generally selfish creatures. D'Arte needed none of those crowding their borders.

WORD COUNT :: 216 || Blargh. Fail post. x: Again.

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