[M] Bring me your joy and your sadness
you be getting all Jacey's muse and words XD

Before she touched him, before she moved or even though about moving the boy could feel a burning heat rising within the pit of his stomach. A longing yearning feeling, he wanted to join with her, to get inside of her and make her his totally and completely so that no other men could take her away from him. She was his sunshine, his first ray of sun after the long harsh winter and every time he saw her face his world flared from its usual monotone to a world of color and beauty. He yearned to grab her and roll her own and pull her closer, tighter than they had ever been before. The fact that she was his sister didn't even enter int his thoughts and would have been deemed irrelevant had it done. He could hear the soft thump thump of her tail's nervous swaying. His own beat a rhythm against the ground several times as though to reassure her, she was in no danger here, there was nothing to fear from him, ever. To make himself even more submissive and appeasing to her he stretched his head back slightly, fulling showing off his pale ivory throat.

He grinned, still keeping his eyes closed as she expressed her concerns, his rumbling laughter, so like the mountains and deep echoey places came forth to breath softly into the air. "Just relax, breathe deeply. You're safe here." Their meditation area was particularly private, he had made sure of that when he had chosen the area, he liked his solitude. His own attempt to calm her by breathing deeply was roundly cut off when she suddenly straddled him, a grunt of air burst forth from his chest at such an erotic feel, that of her fur and heat against his sheath. The Wolfe boy could feel his heart beginning to truly race now and his breaths quickened,

"Uh. Yes. Mmm that's fine." The boy opened his eyes at last, the amber orbs almost glowing with the intense heat that built up. Rather than staring at her face and into her eyes like he wanted to do instead the man's gaze roamed her chest, taking in the youthful perfection of her, the not quite grown beauty that was slowly bringing curves to her hips and roundness to her bosom. It was very attractive to him for it mirrored his own gender specific changes that were happening, he was filling out and up, well on his way to becoming a literal giant amongst a family of smaller hybrids. His eyes fluttered as she stroked his chest, a soft murring noise bubbling up his throat, at any other times this massage never failed to send him to sleep but now with electricity in the air between them and sparks flying it made him come alive. His fingers twitched impatiently, he wanted to grab hold of her , feel her everywhere, take great handfuls and stroke her from head to toe

More of her smaller form pressed against him as she leaned forwards and he felt the budding breasts she was growing, almost fluid and viscous against his skin. He wanted to hold one within his paw and softly squeeze the globe between his fingers. Her tongue lapped at his muzzle and the man had to beat back urges of tipping them both over and grinding his body against hers, he was the dominant one and wanted to take charge of her but he knew that would likely scare her, so he held back, maybe sometime in the future if she wanted to do this again, he hoped she would and they hadn't even really started yet. He began to pull breaths in through his nose quickly growing to love the intoxicating smells that came from her whilst his fur dragged along her warmth, the soft skin of his sheath also feeling this. A low while filled with longing came from him at her words,

"Yes it does." His ears snapped forwards at the sounds she made, his nostrils flaring from her scents and fingers trembling to touch her. The boy could feel himself starting to harden now and peek cautiously out of its protective sheath. He was still growing and his organ was not at full size yet but it was more than capable of what they wanted to accomplish with it. Several nights he had lain awake in the abbey hungering for her and stroking the resulting hardness until he felt relief and release. He couldn't hold his hands back anymore, he wanted to touch and explode as well. His hands traveled up her thighs, fingers splayed as they searched, sought out the warm place that called to him. At her second moan however, fingers gripped tightly and of their own accord the man's hips jerked upwards, as his hands pulled downwards on her, groaning her name softly as his heated flesh came into contact with her own and was caressed by the soft fur that surrounded her. His jaw trembled and tongue came out to wet a nose that had dried extraordinarily quickly,

"Pandora.. oh that feels... so good." He uttered in between breaths that made his body shudder with want, the voice he used but a whisper to their ears, his eyes drifted closed again as his paws continued their journey, coming to a stop at her waist, threading through the fur there. She was the spiting image of their mother who was also so achingly beautiful, so soft curved and delicious. White rear paws sifted restlessly upon the grass, he wanted more but he wouldn't take it, not until she was ready... ever the caring brother he was. She was his beauty, his passion and rage, his silent and his noise, his birth and his death she would be there, this much he knew. She would be there for him every day with her irresistible siren's song that called to him constantly, leading him towards her.

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