Quest for a new toy

Word Count → 342

Neela cocked her head, glancing at the upright wolf and the shelf she was leaning against. "Hmmm. Knocking it down probably wouldn’t work, its screwed in to tight. I guess I might be light enough to climb it if you leaned against it, lets give it a try."

Neela quickly made her way to the shelf and started to climb up over Kiara's back, making sure to drop her weight outwards so that Kiara would be supporting the shelf rather than pushing it down. The climb was easy at the lower levels but as Neela made her way higher it slowly began to become more and more unstable, to the point where Neela could feel the shelf swaying slightly as she reached the top, nearly ten feet off the ground.

Suddenly just before Neela could reach the box the metal around one of the screws broke with a horrible screech of tortured metal and the shelf tilted backwards alarmingly. Realising that the shelf was about to fall down onto Kiara Neela yelped loudly and let go, one of her flailing arms knocking the box from its perch atop the shelf as she did so.

As Neela fell she kicked out at the shelf, the act both righting the shelf so that it was no longer falling down onto her and Kiara and also sending Neela flying backwards. She hit the concrete ground hard on her back, the impact taking her breath away and sending a nasty ache through her shoulders, but had enough momentum to roll backwards over her shoulder with the fall, coming to rest on her bottom among the cardboard boxes from before.

Neela quickly righted herself, letting out a quiet whine at the pain in her shoulders, before glancing around for Kiara. Neela's landing had kicked up a thick cloud of dust and Neela couldn’t see the white wolf through it, though she subconsciously noticed the glint of the box where it had landed in a shaft of sunlight.

"Kiara, you okay?" she called out into the dust.

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