Down came a blackbird

Nope, you're right! ^^ :: Word Count → 337

He'd barely made it half-way through the song when Breixo began snorting and stomping his feet, warning Drakien that someone was in the area. He paused to listen, his fingers stilling on the lute though the last note he'd played echoed in the still air. Only a moment later, someone came forward, and he saw by the light of the fire a woman. He didn't have much more to observe about her before she threw her arms open and greeted him in Russian, and a wild grin crossed his lips, though he did not move to greet her as he might have someone who'd proven Romani.

"A vam , tovarishch." He gave a little half-bow, and picked up his lazy strumming again, not going back to the song but rather simply plucking the strings in whatever mixture of melodies suited his mood. "Pozhaluĭsta , prikhodite posidetʹ u kostra pogretʹsya ." He gestured with a nod of his head to the spot open on the other side of his small camp, though really there weren't any seats taken, and he'd welcome her sitting beside him just as well as across the fire. Breixo from behind him snorted, and folded his legs beneath him, turning his face away haughtily. Drakien ignored him, nodding his head gently to the music flowing from his fingers, and then began singing softly again, mostly nonsensical words that could, if one were listening closely, be strung together into a sort of ballad. His hands of their own volition began plucking the melody to another old song, and he flowed from his warm-up to the performance, before glancing up at her and grinning. "Vyvtoroĭ ya vstrechalsya , kto govoritna rodnom yazyke na moem puti." He complimented, and then added, mostly as an after-thought, "Etozamechatelʹnaya veshchʹ , kak ya yeshche ne vy·uchil angliĭskiĭ yazyk."

He finished his song and then set the lute aside, and rested his arms on his knees, his eyes shining. "YA Drakien Laska . Priyatno s vami poznakomitʹsya."

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