It's not your fault, it's not your fault

Word Count → 518 :: Out of Character text.

Sophie backed away quickly with a bright, fearful shine in her eyes at the threat, and Boothe's fur stood on end as he pressed up beside her. Though the older boy understood she was probably joking, the threat was very real to them, as their father had said such things on a regular basis--and usually expected immediate compliance. So, with wide eyes and a slight watery sheen to them, Sophie nodded quickly, and the both chorused, "Yes'm, ma'am." Just to get the point across that they absolutely would not eat...Rohan. Sophie lifted her head and snuffled curiously at it, and then stepped back and pressed shyly into her brother's side, suddenly not quite so certain about the large beast.

Boothe was too busy glaring resentfully at its rider to worry, and he lifted a paw and wrapped it carefully over Sophie's shoulders, showing more gentleness than he had before. She was his baby sister, after all, and he had to take care of her, the way Leon took care of Trigger and Trigger took care of him. It didn't occur to him that Leon was caring for all of them, since he was always so busy either hunting or foraging or healing from the wounds he'd gotten in the battle with their father that Boothe hardly ever saw him; to him, it was a ladder, and with Sophie on the bottom rung and Boothe right above her, that made her his responsibility. He didn't like the fact that she'd gotten so scared all of a sudden, and he bared his teeth and growled a little at both the horse and Caprica, his large blue-green eyes darting nervously from one to the other, not sure anymore which one was more dangerous.

At her question, Sophie's tail curled between her legs and she stepped back a bit more, her eyes wide and even more fearful than before. Boothe growled again, and then they looked at each other, trying to figure out what to do, what to say. Sophie had explained the concept of the 'pack' to her brother shortly after learning of it herself, but he didn't consider Leon and Trigger his pack, so much as the nuisance-brothers who took care of them. But saying their brothers were nearby, would that make the dark woman retract her threat and perhaps run away on her strange food-animal, never to be seen again? He didn't know. Sophie, apparently, couldn't abide to lie, so she piped up, her voice mouse-soft and timid, "Wurr out 'lone...don't have a pack..."

Her admission made her brother shove his nose against hers to be quiet, but the damage, as it were, was done, and they were left shifting quietly and wondering what sort of person the stranger was now; the kind that would eat them since they had no one looking after them? Or perhaps kidnap them? Maybe, Sophie thought hopefully, she'd just leave that particular issue alone, and they could talk about other things--like how you got a horse. She had a feeling Brother Leon could use one.

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