[M] Touched for the very first time
I pushed this reply out of my bum hole.

Where his touch might have scared off a more submissive female her age, Titania seemed to relish it. She leaned into his grip, twisting her body in such a way that it exaggerated her still developing female attributes. This did not help Zalen to calm his arousal and it just spurned him all the more. As she spoke, her hand trailed down his chest to hover above it, the small space between her fingertips and the tip of his manhood was electrifying, painful and pleasurable to the point that he nearly took her despite his self-promise from just a few minutes ago. But then thankfully, she pulled away, and he looked at her dumbly, her words just registering in his mind.

She wanted to play, and he was more than willing to. A chase was always good fun, and Zalen very much looked forward to chasing after her fine backside. She posed then, her body curved in a sensual stance that shook him to the core. He wanted her. And before he could think to stop her she was off. But it was no matter, this game was much to his liking. The black male stood, hesitating, giving her a few moments head start before he could stand it no longer and dashed after her.

He found that even in Optime is was much easier to run on all fours, his elongated arms matching long loping strides with his legs perfectly. He followed her intoxicating scent, though he could not see her. She was heading west, into the mountains, and Zalen had a good guess as to what her final destination would be. A grin then came to his face, for in one of his daily jaunts away from her and the rest of the pack he had found a short cut into Avalon. He was sure she would run the easy way, past the dagger caverns and then following a narrow ravine that lead into the valley, but he had recently found a quicker way, except much less level and much more dangerous. But it was no matter, adrenalin and sexual energy coursed through Zalen’s veins, making him feel invincible.

He made his way through his secret short cut, only hindered by large boulders and sharp inclines that preceded him. But soon, the ground gave way to deep snow and he was in the valley, cold and still, the stars like diamonds above. Slowly, he sneaked near the other entrance to the valley, the one he was sure his mate would soon come through, and then he would pounce upon her. He loved playing these games, it reminded him of when he was younger, except in those days his playmates were not lovers. Zalen crouched, waiting, a naughty smirk on his black lips.

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