We'll be flyin' on the G5
[html]OOC:// Word count: 1020 words(I'm sorry I got carried away XD)

The ebony lady was gleeful, more than gleeful, she was overjoyed, the tall slender fae had been rummaging around in one of the disused rooms early this morning, before the sun had even made an attempt to peek over the horizon, and had come across several cardboard boxes, filled to the brim with heavy, dusty books. Since that early discovery Soran had spent much of the rest of the morning dragging the boxes into her own room, in order to sort out the dusty tomes, see which were water damaged beyond repair and clean the others, with the intention of keeping some for herself and moving the rest down into one of the communal rooms, a library of sorts. This had been a delightful task for the dark lady, who had spent most of her time in the old packlands with a book in her hand and several dozen stashed away in her room at the Syemv house. So to be able to go through all the old texts, to be able to hold a book once again after so many months of living wild and without literature, was a blissful experience, even if she was having to go through them and try and create some sort of order amongst the chaotic system with which they had been tossed into boxes.
About halfway through this task, Soran had come across Alice in Wonderland, an old favourite of hers, a pang of sorrow raced across her chest as she thought of how she had once read her old version of it to Conri when he had been nothing more than a babe, the guilt she felt for having never done that for Khaden and Dhalia was immense. Since discovering that she was once again a mother to two boys who were close to her, she felt it was her duty to make amends, for a moment she wondered if Khaden knew how to read and write, Phasma had taught the jade eyed femme to write one sunny afternoon, she wondered if she had done the same for Khaden and Dhalia when they were in her care. Another pang of pain had shot across her chest at the thought of Phasma, the faithful old friend who had never judged the similarly hued lady, and had even gone as far as to care for the young children that Soran had abandoned, and now she was gone, the jade eyed fae would never get the opportunity to thank her dear friend.
Musing over these thoughts, Khaden, Conri and Phasma, the slender fae had slipped out of the house, the leather bound copy of Alice in wonderland still clutched in her hand. The ebony fae had made her way through the packlands, wandering through the forests, wondering if she would ever find the chance to prove to Khaden that she could, and would be a mother to him, she would care for him the way that she never had done when he had needed her most. The dark lady doubted he would ever need her now, he was grown, so big now, he had gone past the stage where mummy was needed to teach him about the world and kiss the scrapes and bruises better, she had missed her chance. Soran moved to sit against the sturdy trunk of a tall tree, burying herself in her book, immersing herself in something that was familiar, something she knew she could cope with, unlike her present situation, which was still raw and painful to her, she was still unsure about her children's feelings towards her being home, and she had no idea if half of her dear friends were still alive, they could have perished in the fire.
And so Soran sat under the tree, reading rapidly, absorbing every word as fast as possible, behaving as a starving man would with food, devouring it as quickly as she could. Glad to have her old pastime back she had settled herself quite comfortably beside this tree, with the intention of staying there until the light dimmed so much that reading the words scribed on the page became an impossible task. This plan was changed though when she heard the echoing howl of a familiar voice coming from the heart of the packlands. It seemed like a call to a meeting, slowly the fae rose, plucking a leaf from the tree she had been sitting beneath and placing it into the open book, closing the red leather clad tome carefully, using the leaf to keep her page. She left the tree with more haste than she had arrived at it, her casual saunter becoming a near march as she padded the short distance back to the house.
She spotted the source of the voice quickly, and despite all that she had heard of Naniko, despite the fae having hurt Conri so, Soran was still pleased to see her alive and well and living within the lands, she still considered the young lady to be a daughter to her. As she saw them she quickened her pace, stopping only when she was within reaching distance of the group. Unable to control herself she threw her arms around Naniko, embracing her tightly, giving her an affectionate peck on the cheek.
"It's so good to see you Naniko." She smiled, before remembering her position in the pack and releasing the pale lady, dipping her head out of respect. She then turned to the pair with Nani, the pair that looked so like her, both with black pelts and jade eyes, she smiled at the female, dipping her head slightly, again in respect, "Good day," she uttered, before turning to Khaden, still unsure of how to behave around her youngest son, her arms twitched, wanting to embrace him, ruffle his ears, anything, but cowardice and insecurity got the best of her and she simply choked out, "It's also good to see you again Khaden."
Once she had done with her greetings, the dark fae moved to sit down, crossing her legs, placing the book into her lap, awaiting the arrival of the others.[/html]

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