Light at the end of the world
Dalgina stepped outside her house to be greeted by the scent of blood. At first she thought it was food, but the scent wasn't as welcoming as that. Dalgina didn't know what to make of it. Her tiny nose twitched in the air, trying to place what it was. It smelled like dog. That was odd. Blood and dog didn't go together in her mind. Dalgina's mind raced, conjuring an image of Neela rolling in blood and coming back to act as a scary monster for a game. Deciding that was the best answer Dalgina raced forwards.

She opened her mouth to bark a greeting, only to be met by soft gentle music. Dalgina stopped, tipping her head to one side. There was the sound of a voice mixed in, but something else was making the noise as well. Curious Dalgina moved closer. There was Neela, blood on her just like she'd pictured. Instead of preparing for a game though, the collie was sitting on the ground, strumming something in her hands. Quietly Dalgina walked the rest of the way forward, and stuck her nose into the heart of the wood. The strings tickled as they vibrated, and Dalgina pulled back away. What's that?

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