Where my mistakes gain speed

This feels SUPERSHORT after huge SoSu posts. <_<

Ithiel is by Kitty!

The dust-hued man had pitiable little experience with wolves. He had been raised in Scintilla, a place harried by wolves on a frequent basis. He had grown up with an idealized version of his father in his mind, and was just now beginning to realize this version of Gabriel he'd woven of dream-threads was unraveling before his very eyes. It was only natural Ithiel assumed his father fastidiously upheld the very same ideals Ithiel had imagined for him, after all. To find that it was just the opposite -- that, in fact, Gabriel had sired wolf children, and with a wolf -- well, it had struck a considerable blow to the dusky Praeses.

A weaker man might have leapt to aggression at the messenger of such poor tidings, but Ithiel possessed far more self-control than to blindly leap for the stranger, trespasser or not. He had spoken his name and his affiliation, and Ithiel knew nothing of Ezekiel's opinion of his half-brother's homeland. He would not want to incite the displeasure of his Aquila and commander, and it was primarily this which kept his anger from further escalating. Even these remarks which the tawny hybrid now spoke, their intent clearly marked by their tone, had little impact on the swarthy coyote.

Brother, he repeated, leaning to the side of his horse and spitting upon the ground with the taste of the word. Go, then, and trouble me no more. Your memory will do so in your stead, Ithiel promised gloomily, pulling heartily at Lystra's reigns. The big mare took a few steps backward, still shaking her head and flaring her nostrils toward her master, her anger with him evident. He either ignored or did not perceive the insult, if it was indeed such, regarding his horse's temperament.That Alder might know of Gabriel and his whereabouts never crossed Ithiel's mind -- if it had, it was unlikely the dusky coyote would have inquired after the information, priceless as it might have been. He would not stoop to ask a wolf of his prestigious father.

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