[M] Protectiveness
Kiara Amarok

Word Count → 503 :: Out of Character text

It was a lazy day, the urge to do anything had disappeared altogether. Kiara laid on floor, one her favorite places really, her snowy form sprawling across the cold surface. She wasn't actually sleeping, but she still kept her eyes closed, the sapphire orbs hidden beneath white lids. Her breath came is slowly and deeply, and with each inhale her chest rose slightly. For one the arctic wolf was still, not even her tail moved. She just laid there, dead to the world. It was truly peaceful in the quiet house: no arguing, no laughter, no Sarain, no Shiloh. Just Kiara on the floor.

By early afternoon though Kiara's peace was disturbed by a call for her. Kiara's ear flicked as she listened. It was Neela, and judging by sound she was just outside of the house. Kiara rose and shook herself a little before heading over to the door. All of the doors in Shiloh's house were left open, even the one leading to the outside, although just barely. As Kiara pushed her way through one of the inner doors she couldn't help but wonder why Neela had traveled all the way to Trenton just to see her. It wasn't that she was disappointed, on the contrary, Kiara was quite happy to hear Neela's voice. However, Neela did not sound like she was in a playful mood, indicating that this was a more serious house call than Kiara would have liked.

After a minute or so the arctic wolf nosed her way through the final door to the outside world. The door at the main entrance was a little trickier than most because it was almost completely closed and it swung inwards. Kiara had more than once locked her self out or in do to doors that swung the wrong way, which is why she hated doors so much. "Hey Neela, it's good...to...see..." her voice trailed off as she froze. The sight and smells that greeted Kiara as she walked through the door were not pleasant to say the least. Neela was wrapped heavily in bandages and some were soaked with blood. Her face was battered and torn, while drops of dried blood hung on the fur around her maw. A metallic smell wafted off of Neela's body as did a scent that Kiara would never forget...Neela smelled a little like Amy.

The arctic wolf's eyes widened in horror as she ran over to the collie. Kiara began to lick the dog-hybrid's muzzle while worried whines passed through her lips. "What happened? Are you okay? It was that stupid dog wasn't it?" Kiara's words quickly turned harsh as blood lust rose in her voice. It was bad enough that Amy had hurt Kiara so but the fact that Amy had injured her friend...that dog was going to pay. The furious wolf began to imagine ripping Amy's yellow form to shreds as the dog begged beneath her jaws. Before Kiara was scared of Amy, now she just wanted to kill the stupid mutt.

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