The lovely bones
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

Short posts are easier for me to write, lolol. UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE, GOSH.

Word Count » 394

One might think (as he would come to see not long from this moment) that Ezekiel and Halo were creatures who might have bound themselves together. Both were beautiful in a savage, terrible way, and both in a physical condition better-than-average. For these reasons alone, these surface-given truths, they might have produced children with genes and abilities to match and surpass their own. Yet inside of them lingered beasts; a dragon and a cannibal ghost could not suffer each other to live, nor could one consume the other. She had tried. Ezekiel had driven his point to the bone, though he had not taken her life—she was indebted to him in this way, and thus a tool like the rest of those who served under the flag of Inferni.

She smiled to show it was a lie, and he smiled to show he knew it. There was no honesty between them in words, but in body, oh how plainly they spoke. He admired her tenacity even if it infuriated him, even if it filled his mind with paranoia and caused his stomach to doubt what he knew. A single tooth gleamed out from her mouth, and he smiled and curled his whiskers up to show his own teeth. Instinctively, his tail bristled and turned brush-bottle—but he did not raise his voice or his hand to quell her insubordination. In fact, his voice was downright low and lovely all things considered. The silent rage was something he had learned to live with, the shadow to his sister’s violent outbursts.

“My God is one of love, dear Halo. It gives me no power to hate you. Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation.,” he quoted, eyes gleaming. Daggers laced his words, a warning despite his own intentions. Did she suspect he imagined her to be forming a coup? Perhaps now, when he could smell the man on her. As if reminded of this: “Where did Helotes run off to? I suspect his wounds are far worse than yours. They should be looked at before an infection strikes.” Another flat smile, another word laced with two meanings. He so badly wished to see the color of her soul, though he imagined that, like her father, it would be black when he tore it from her belly.

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