[M] Protectiveness

Just a reminder that Neela is in Optime, shifting is a bit beyond her at the moment. Bit of PP her, I can change if you want me to.

Word Count → 362

Neela twitched her nose happily at the sight of Kiara and gave the white wolf a small bow, intoning, "Namaste Kiara, it's good to see you." Neela missed Kiara's own greeting being cut off through the sound of her own but did notice the worry in Kiara's stride as the younger wolf approached her. Neela crouched down as Kiara approached her, touching her muzzle to the younger wolf's fondly and then remaining still as Kiara fussed over her, one hand reaching around to stroke the back of Kiara's neck in a soothing motion.

When Neela spoke her voice was soft as usual but her style of speaking had degraded somewhat, something that Neela unconsciously did around those that she was fond of, " Yeah it was tha' bitch, Amy she calls herself. Doan worry about me tho' ah'll be fine, ah've had worse, from me own family no less! Got a few good hits in myself though." Neela's entire manner was tired and careless; she wouldn’t normally have offered the information about her family, indeed she didn’t even realise that she had, and the toothy grin that accompanied her last statement was a bit more aggressive and sinister than Neela had meant for it to be, unconsciously exposing her bloodied teeth.

Neela didn’t mention the eventual outcome of the fight, namely her getting knocked unconscious, as Kiara seemed to be getting distressed just at its happening. Instead she raised her head, giving the white wolf a comforting lick to the ear before she moved forwards, resting her chin on top of Kiara's head and putting her arms around the wolf's neck in a loose hug, wincing slightly as the movement jostled her arm. The position was comfortable and Neela held it for a short while, but eventually she rose again, stepping backwards to look Kiara in the face easier.

"Ya mind if I come inside? Bit more comfortable for talking than out here." While Neela wasn't overly cold her lack of energy had her feeling the elements more than usual, though there was no sign of this in her polite tone of voice, not wanting to pressure Kiara into a decision.

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