for never or forever

indent The boy ignored his sister as she came over to him, demanding that he become a playmate. With energy wasted on his ealier comment, he found no use in replying to her. After all, he didn’t want to tempt himself. It was hard to stay pouty all day, but he was determined to keep it up. He wanted daddy and mama to feel bad for imposing these new rules on him, though his young mind didn’t understand that it was for his well being.

indent He didn’t budge even as his sister lay next to him. Though he began to feel slightly agitated with her presence there with him, the urge to play with her and have a companion made it hard for him to bad mouth her. With her next question, Icarus slowly turned his lazy head to look at her. "Whas it look like?" He groaned, though his tail couldn’t help but wag softly. Then he grinned a little and leaned in closer. "I wanna make daddy feel bad for scoldin’ me. He don’t know that I can take care of myself. I wan him tah know that he ain’t being fair. Him or moma. Why?"


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