Coming to Trade

OOC here! :: Word Count → 328

He'd merely been asking she would trade in favors, but it seemed his limited grasp on the language--or at least how to speak it--had come in handy this time. She'd gone as high as she thought she could get away with, and the ball was in his court now. He considered her offer, as he would have eventually tried to haggle it down to three with anyone, but she was a stranger, not even Romani, and he didn't trust her--not even as far as he could throw her. "Two favor." He said, and then held up a hand, a little glimmer in his eyes that belied the fact he was enjoying this. "Two restricted favor. Reserve right to say no, ask to perform different task." He folded his hands over Breixo's neck, eyeing her curiously to see what she would do.

Any member of the caravan would have laughed in his face and most probably thrown the deal out. Restricted favors were meant for strangers; but that was what she was. He couldn't afford to bring packs down on his head for killing someone, or stealing a babe from one particular family. Had he offered no restrictions, that was most likely what he would be asked to do, and though he didn't take favors lightly, wouldn't refuse even her simplest requests, if she asked him to do such things that would put himself in danger he had to be able to back out. The favor would still be hers either way, she'd just have to find someone else to do the particularly dirty jobs. It was a good compromise, especially if she did what he would do, and take a restricted favor as a lesser unit than an unrestricted one, and raise the price again. He knew what he was aiming for either way, and though it had been a long time since he'd haggled with anyone, he felt he was rather enjoying this exchange.

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