darling, it's time to turn a new leaf.
http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk42 ... _05bot.jpg) no-repeat bottom; padding-top: 0px;">

The nomadic male felt a little uneasy with the tension in the room, the tension that he had caused. On the ship, the crew had left he and his mate alone for the better part of the trip, only asking them to help if they needed an extra set of hands someplace. Mostly cleaning, since neither of them had been able to shift into that larger form like the others. They had been offered a spot on the ship in exchange for one of Devlin's maps, old human artifacts that depicted the continents.

He had caught on to what they were talking about, nodding at the introductions and then simply watching and listening. Nikita didn't seem to be that comfortable around him, but he didn't expect her to be. He was a stranger, one who had been just stupid enough (or just lucky enough) to have wandered in. "I haven't a place t'go" He said. It would be up to them, whether he would stay, but he had been thinking about settling down for a while now. "If ye need an extra hunter or scout...I'd be pleased t'join you. I may not look it but I'm a real hand at fishin', too, with bein' on the ship all that time. I picked up a few tips."


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