The brute was eager and excited about the meeting. His insides trembled with exuberance, cheeks nearly splitting from the massive toothy grin he had displayed for the young snow-white vixen. The black of night seemed less daunting. With his half blind eyes the sight of clouded stars twinkled down on the pair, sending sparkles across the blanket of snow. A sense of peace and optimism flooded him, warming the icy tendrils that had swarmed past his thick brunette fur.

As the horribly made snowball hit Kiara, Tristan joined her in raucous laughter, two-toned eyes squeezing tight in the fit. He barely heard her words through his own maniacal, joyous barks when suddenly the barrage of snow came tumbling upon him. His first reaction was splutter indignantly, shaking off the snow from his face, only for the snow to be quickly replenished as she attacked him with snow. The spluttering quickly turned to playful growling, his maw snapping at the snow with gusto as he attempted to smack some of it away with his front paws. The picture was a comical one, an old brute fighting against a barrage of snow with tooth and claw, failing horribly as the snow melted against his fur. Tristan felt as if he'd never felt this happy, at least, not in quite some time. Cold, starving, lost and yet- with a companion. This moment would save the brute from yet another depressed episode.

If she didn't drown him first. Tristan laughed at the thought when the snow died down. He took in a deep breath, and peeked open his eyes just in time to see Kiara flying at him through mid-air. The brute managed to let out a bark of surprise and widen his blue eyes before the impact hit. His body slid a few feet in the snow, him halfway on his side and halfway on his back with eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. Another comical scene. The old brute came to a stop a few feet away from his standing spot, covered maw to tail in melting snow, eyebrows furrowed, tongue hanging out pathetically. Tristan blinked twice. Then, looking at Kiara with a faked glare, he said, "That is quite move you've got there. Remind me never to play sports against you." And then laughter.

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