King is in his counting house
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Her words to Kiara were harsh despite the lower range of her voice, but necessary to ensure that safety of their family but her own life as well. While her enthusiasm was commendable, she feared it would pose a problem if left untended, and last the Nomad wanted was to find the snowy female injured again. From stoic lips to gentle smile, she made what she could of an understanding expression hoping to soothe whatever hurt she might have unintentionally dealt. But these were silent gestures bent for the girl’s understanding alone. She was perhaps the only one of the pack that understood and could respect the power of gesture being unmarred by the infection that coursed through her brethren’s blood. Without the animation of arms and legs, she had only her natural instincts of which were not lost to the auburn mane Nomad. She woofed softly in appreciation for her friend’s understanding then returned her gaze to the apparently humbled creature.

Mention of her mate invoked a habitual response with umber digits reaching into the mass of braids that hung off shoulder then wound around a particular black cord cut from his very mane. She needn’t look to know she’d grabbed it. Countless times of worrying over the braid allowed her to recognize the difference in texture from her rough feel to his more managed, and kempt smoothness. Twisting the braid around her index digit, the brought the frayed end of its tail to her muzzle to lightly tease the bridge of her nose with its fine points. Knowingly she looked to the male, this ‘Romeo’. “He has little to worry of you or any other male,” she stated as a matter-of fact with quiet tones lavished in innocence. It was not until the words left her maw that she felt the almost insulting quality of them. Hurriedly she explained. “I am loyal to him and him alone. If anything, he will see you as I do; as a guest to our lands.” But knowing the nature of his role within Ichika, he would be more scrutinizing, more cautious than she… provided he felt the need to adorn his mask.

For now, it would be just herself and Kiara acting as the escort until the evening called them off to rest up for the following day. “If you would like your tour now, we would be more than willing to appease your curiosity, but please keep in mind since you are not seeking permanent refuge, our walk is limited to the mainlands and the mountains. Please understand that our residences are off limits to guests unless accompanied by myself or another of our leaders.“ The captured braid then slipped from her grasp and fell limp against her shoulder. “But I assure you there is much to see of our lands within two days. Perhaps before your walk you would care to rest?” She offered in faith that his claims were true. No doubt a weary body made to wander for so long would want a moment to rest before taking stride again. But then, these assumptions were based on her experiences as a wanderer. For all these knew, his endurance could have differed greatly from her own.

ooc: If you'd like Shannon, the thread could be over after your next post and we could start another one. Or if you two wish to continue, feel free to assume X'yrin wandered off a little ways but is still close by. 538 words.


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