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Word Count → 251:: Haha oh good, I think he'd be rather intimidated otherwise.

Antykk had had a lot of time to think over the span of his travels, particularly about joining Salsola. It would certainly offer a good home for him...full of canines just like him. He couldn't shake the fact, however, that he would be reminded of what he'd done every day, simply because it was the norm for those of Salsola. But he had to find a home...the older he got, the more apparent it became that surviving on his own was just going to get harder.

The dust-pelted male stared at the ground as he trotted along - he found his lupus form served him much better when it came to navigating through the patches of snow that seemed to dot the land. He felt hungry, but not so hungry that he had to hunt right at that moment. His tail brushed against his ankles as he moved, forcing him to glance over his shoulder every now and again to make sure it WAS his own tail and not someone following him. Oiy old boy, he thought, just relax.

As his large form emerged from the thicket, he stopped and sniffed the air...and sniffed again...then looked around. There was a female nearby...her smell was nearly intoxicating. His tail lifted for a moment as his ears swivelled forward, and then it fell again once his amber eyes located the lady nibbling on a rabbit. He stood still, conflicted with whether or not he should approach her. Finally, he sat down and just...watched.

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